Who is Cathy Baker?

Entrepreneur | Business Mentor and Coach | Leading Real Estate Principal


With multiple awards and matched by a stellar reputation across the industry and community, Cathy is a market leader in high-end real estate across the Central Coast. Consistently achieving outstanding results for her clients, Cathy builds client relationships for life, one transaction at a time.

Recognised for her meticulous planning and attention to detail, Cathy is a leading real estate agent as she is the successful Principal of Belle Property central coast.

Cathy currently holds five suburb records, including the highest sale record on the Central Coast. 

With a background as an interior designer, Cathy’s eye for detail is sophisticated, particularly when it comes to professional property styling and home improvement advice for her clients.

Over the past year, Cathy has grown her business by dividing it into four separate business units. She has specifically chosen to grow her team by employing people from more diverse backgrounds and ethnicities, including the airlines/hotel and hospitality industries, and welcoming some local younger employees to the real estate industry. 

By striving to employ the right people with the right attitude from a service background, Cathy is then able to train and guide her team, personally instilling her own unique style of doing business. This ethos serves her ultimate goal of holding onto her clients for life, maintaining an 80% referral pipeline and making it easier to secure and welcome new clients. 

Top of mind for Cathy is her community

Assisting people in need such as the elderly, children’s programs, local youth, and of course, local business people across the board. Cathy and her team have been instrumental in creating programs such as Killy Cares, art exhibitions, market days and school functions, making sure that the community at large are given a huge thank you for all the support they give Cathy and her team. 

Through the past year working through the many challenges brought to our communities by COVID, Cathy and her team ramped up their community support programs. Killy Cares, in particular, was a stand out for Cathy and her team. During this period, they were able to secure and organise over 300 volunteers to preprepared home-cooked meals, deliver food drives, people to essential appointments, create activities for children homeschooled and a range of other much-needed items during the lockdown. 

It’s all about building a plan to support community resilience and tackle whatever comes together. 

Follow Cathy’s journey.


Chat with Cathy

Whether you are looking for new real estate opportunities, a relaxing holiday or you want to talk about lifestyle mentorship, Cathy is always ready to talk about your next move.


The Central Coast has plenty to offer. Only an hour north of Sydney, we can you what’s happening and all of those hidden gems in this pristine little part of the world.